Archive of Online Marketing

Online Marketing Lessons Learned from Successful Companies Thumbnail

Online Marketing Lessons Learned from Successful Companies

You may have the world's greatest product or service but you can't wait on customers to come and beat down your door. You have to be proactive and engage with them online. You can go where they your prospective customers are...on social media and their mobile devices. Almost two billion people visit the Internet annually (239 million in the United States) and Social Media is now the #1 online acti

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50 Powerful Social Media Tactics Thumbnail

50 Powerful Social Media Tactics

Over the last several years, a new breed of communication has emerged -social networking. These media sites offer the ability to network in ways that the more traditional message boards never could manage. If you are not familiar with social networking at media sites, here are some of the tactics people are using today to make money through these important resources: Start with Twitter. If you

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50 Powerful YouTube Tactics Thumbnail

50 Powerful YouTube Tactics

Make the videos viral, and spread them to as many websites as possible. Use other social media sites like Twitter and Digg to post your videos. Create well thought out, professional style videos that are edited properly. Make sure the sound on your videos is clear and mixed and edited well so users can clearly hear it. Keep content funny, engaging, and informative so viewers will watch

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50 Powerful Webcopy Tactics Thumbnail

50 Powerful Webcopy Tactics

People who know anything about marketing and promotions know that you need good copy to attract and hold the attention of potential customers. It is not different when it comes to the copy that you place on your web site. Without coherent and informative text, your site will soon die, no matter how good your product happens to be. Here are some tactics you can use to make your web copy be all i

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50 Powerful Upsell Tactics Thumbnail

50 Powerful Upsell Tactics

Upselling is simply the process of selling an additional or an upgraded product to a customer. In order to keep the money coming in, you always want to go for this little extra, whenever the opportunity presents itself. Here’s how to go about it: Include a discount for a related product in the body of your informational product. If they like what they have already bought, they are more li

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